
How To Increase Ankle Mobility

Are ankle mobility problems restricting your chapters to train effectively, or even more critical, making you susceptible to injuries? Poor ankle mobility tin be the crusade of many limitations in sports, weightlifting, and daily life. This post covers 7 of the best ankle mobility exercises that can be done in the comfort of your dwelling house to avoid potential injuries

best ankle mobility exercises

For most people, ankles are the final thing they retrieve of when hitting the gym or attempting to improve sports performance. They may non fifty-fifty consider their ankles at all. And it may very well be their ankles that are the "Achilles heel" of their workout.

Our feet and ankle joints are the base of operations of our foundation. They are put to piece of work the moment we go out of bed. The ankle is the primary joint that establishes how all the joints in our kinetic chain respond. If the ankles are non moving well, all our other joints from the knees upwardly will have to compensate. Ergo, it is vital that nosotros consider all of our joints from the ground upwardly.

In this postal service, we are going to cover the following:

  • Anatomy of the talocrural joint
  • Importance of ankle mobility
  • What causes poor mobility
  • What is the cause of YOUR bad ankle mobility (test and assessments)
  • How to improve ankle mobility
  • 7 talocrural joint mobility exercises that you should do (Includes video of ii ankle mobilization exercises)

Overall, the goal of this post is to teach you lot how to ameliorate your ankle mobility past using proven methods and exercises with resistance bands. Creating normalcy in your ankles' range of motility will be a game changer for your training, performance, and overall well-being. These are not curt term solutions, they are long term fixes.


how to gain ankle mobility

The ankle joint is called the "Ankle Mortise" articulation or "Talocrural" joint. It is where the Tibia articulates with the Talus. It performs dorsiflexion and plantar flexion while other joints of the ankle movement in unlike directions.

Plantarflexion is the movement of your toes pointing downwards, while dorsiflexion is the movement of your toes towards to shin.

Although both plantarflexion and dorsiflexion are both important, dorsiflexion is specially important as it allows your shins to motion forward, relative to the position of your foot. This enables correct body positioning and constructive implementation and product of force.

All in all, the ankle joint is ane of the most crucial joints in our body. It is needed for the most basic movements in life all the way up to the almost dynamic.

Unfortunately, it'due south not a joint that many people focus on. You lot'll run across people working on hip mobility, thoracic spine mobility, and shoulder mobility. But the ankle is oftentimes overlooked.


ankle strengthening exercises for runners

Allow's discuss what ankle mobility ways exactly and the importance of ankle mobility.


Ankle mobility deals with the flexibility of the ankle articulation (talocrural articulation) and its encompassing muscles and tendons. If your ankle is flexible, you will have a good range of motion, which is important for all sorts of daily activities, not to mention, fettle and sports.

Now, y'all don't want your ankles to be also flexible. That isn't ideal, equally information technology can actually lead to injuries and overall weakness during activities like squats and sprints. What you desire is to have "normal" ankle mobility.

So, the goal is to create or maintain normalcy in your ankle articulation - i.e. a full range of motion.

The Importance of talocrural joint mobility:

Ane of the most prevalent issues that people have, including athletes, is a lack of ankle mobility, especially the dorsiflexion range of motion.

Benefits of skilful talocrural joint mobility:

  • Stronger and more explosive (e.g. squat heavier, spring higher, accelerate and run faster).
  • Better balance and stability.
  • Decreased chance of injury.

Without proper ankle mobility, the following issues are likely to ascend:

  • Bounty during movements and exercises. For example, pointing your toes out during squats, which is a less biomechanically right mode of performing the practise. Compensation due to a lack of talocrural joint mobility is ordinarily seen in squats, lunges, and sprints.
  • Muscle imbalances. To make up for a lack of ankle mobility, often times people recruit the incorrect muscles to get the job done. This is also due to improper course.
  • Injuries. Compound the issues higher up and the result is likely going to be an injury. And well-nigh normally, it's the knees that receive this fate.


  1. Bony Limitations
  2. Increased scar tissue and soft tissue
  3. Decreased joint mobility at the talocrural joint

For bony limitations, doing exercises like the ones we are going to present below or doing myofascial release won't help the situation as the issue is at the structural level. Yous will need surgery to fix your ankle mobility if this is the cause. No if, ands or buts.

For increased scar tissue and soft tissue, talocrural joint myofascial release volition aid.

For decreased joint mobility at the talocrural joint (your ankle), which is the well-nigh mutual cause of poor ankle mobility, there are a few exercises and stretches that you tin do to improve your ankle mobility. This is the feature of this article, then we are going to become in-depth on this point below, while also showing you a video that demonstrates 2 essential resistance band talocrural joint strengthening exercises to increase joint mobility at the talocrural joint.

At present, you may exist wondering..

ankle mobility stretches

"What causes decreased mobility at the talocrural joint?"

There are many things that cause a decrease in talocrural joint mobility over time.

Bad posture, regularly wearing shoes with elevated heels similar boots and high heels, and simply not moving your ankle through its full range of motion because of a sedentary lifestyle or an old injury tin can all cause decreased mobility in your talocrural joint. Thankfully, it is fixable.

But, before you lot start trying to fix your ankle mobility, let's be sure your ankle mobility isn't caused by other issues such every bit soft tissue or bony limitations. Moreover, permit's make certain you lot actually have poor talocrural joint mobility. As you don't want to fix what isn't broken…Remember, you just desire a full range of motility, yous don't want to be hyper-flexible.


To find out the country of your ankle mobility, we will run through an ankle mobility test and a couple of assessments.

How to know if your bad talocrural joint mobility is caused by bony limitations?

Unfortunately, you won't know for sure if yous accept bony limitations (aka a structural problem) unless you do an x-ray.

The good news is, doing ankle mobility exercises won't hurt the cause, information technology just won't set it.


Let's run through the exam now then we can determine if it is soft tissue issue or simply decreased joint mobility.

how to do you test for ankle mobility

How do you examination for ankle dorsiflexion:

  1. Find a wall, face up towards it, and become into a half kneeling position with yous front end leg at xc degrees and human foot flat to the ground. Pointing directly forward, your front end foot'south toes should be 4 inches away from the wall. Your back leg should be at 90 degrees with your toes/brawl of your anxiety to the ground.
  2. Slowly motion your human knee towards the wall and endeavor to touch on information technology while keeping your heel on the footing. You lot can button the wall with your hands. Notation: Your knee will exist moving direct over your foot.

In terms of "normal" ankle mobility, if yous can bear on the wall, your range of motion is normal, 1 inch away from the wall is abnormal, and 2 inches is very abnormal.

Then, essentially, if your human knee doesn't touch the wall, it'due south time to improve your talocrural joint mobility.

Test both sides!

It's actually somewhat common to have one side that is more restricted than the other. This is especially true for those who've had calf, knee joint or ankle injuries. Knowing the state of your ankle mobility on both sides is vital for optimal success. Don't simply assume if i side is defective mobility then the other is too.

Talocrural joint MOBILITY SQUAT TEST

To perform squats correctly, yous need a certain amount of dorsiflexion. If you tin't go along your heels on the ground,it is due to a lack of talocrural joint mobility.

ankle mobility squat test

How to know if your bad ankle mobility is acquired by increased soft tissue or scar tissue?

When doing the wall exam (and your human knee can't affect the wall), if you feel tightness or stretching in your back calf and Achilles, it is likely that your mobility is limited by soft tissue. In this case, doing myofascial release tin can help.


When doing the wall test (and your articulatio genus tin can't touch on the wall), if y'all experience pinching or pressure at the front of the talocrural joint, that is a articulate sign of articulation mobility limitation. And it's time to exercise some stretches.

Note:In any instance, if your genu doesn't touch the wall during the test, the following stretches tin only exist benign. Same goes for myofascial release.

If you don't see any improvements when doing a few weeks of consistent ankle mobility stretches, and so you may very well accept limitations of the os, which, over again, might crave surgery. At this bespeak, it would brand sense to consult a doc/physiotherapist.


We are now going to testify you 7 of the all-time talocrural joint mobility exercises, and so we are going to go over a few other means that yous can improve ankle mobility.

The following exercises are go-to ankle mobility resistance band exercises for physiotherapist, chiropractors, athletic coaches, and fettle trainers across the world.

The video was created by Dr. Michael Risher of RehabLab in Chicago. Dr. Michael Risher has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Wellness Science (Wheaton College, 2022), a Doctorate of Chiropractic (Palmer Chiropractic Higher W, 2022), and is a Certified Practitioner of Applied Kinesiology and CrossFit 50-1 Trainer.

He is also one of SET FOR Prepare's partners, so he used a SET FOR SET Resistance Band to demonstrate the two ankle mobility exercises.

7 Best Talocrural joint MOBILITY EXERCISES

Now we're getting to the meat and potatoes with 7 of the all-time talocrural joint mobility exercises your tin can exercise to prevent injury and improve how you motion.

i. Talocrural joint Circles

Talocrural joint circles will help to improve the range of motion in the articulation. This is a depression impact practise that most people should be able to practise.

ankle strengthening exercises after sprain

  1. Curl up a towel or use a foam roller then sit on the floor behind it.
  2. Elevator 1 leg up and place your ankle on the raised platform.
  3. Motion your ankle in irksome circles while keeping your leg stationary.
  4. Complete ten-15 circles so switch sides.

2. Standing Heel Lifts

Standing heel lifts are a nifty talocrural joint mobility practise to go a practiced stretch. They are also versatile as y'all can make them more difficult past adding resistance while holding onto weights or brand them easier by performing them while seated.

ankle strengthening exercises for runners

  1. Stand up tall with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Elevator your heels off the floor while transferring your weight to the balls of your feet.
  3. Hold briefly at the acme then slowly lower downward to the floor.
  4. Complete 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Note: Perform these adjacent to a wall or chair so that nosotros use brace your body if needed.

3. Toe Heel Raises On Platform

This ankle mobility exercise is similar to the standing heel lifts except for the fact y'all'll move through a wider range of move.

ankle mobility exercises for runners

  1. Stand on a raised platform with the assurance of your feet so that your heels are hanging off the edge
  2. Lift your heels upwardly past pressing through your toes, concord at the top briefly
  3. Slowly lower your heels past the ledge and so they're below platform level
  4. Perform 2-3 sets of x-12 reps

Note: Use a railing for support if needed.

iv. Toe Heel Walks

Toe heel walks are a great talocrural joint mobility exercise that also strengthens the anxiety. We adopt to do this exercise without shoes on but feel costless to perform with your shoes on also.

ankle mobility exercises pdf

  1. Stand with feet hip width apart then lift up your heels so your weight is on the balls of your anxiety.
  2. Take 10-15 steps while remaining on your toes without letting your heels drop.
  3. Then, lift your toes off the basis and walk back with your heels simply touching the basis to the original starting signal.
  4. Repeat 2-three times.

5. Push Upward Position Ankle Rocks

This is ane of the more advanced talocrural joint mobility exercises that requires more than talocrural joint dorsiflexion. This exercise will help to target the talocrural joint, Achilles Heel and calf. You lot'll too work your core, shoulders and arms slightly while bracing your torso in position

ankle mobility exercises for squats

  1. Get into push upwards position.
  2. Lift one foot and place it over the heel of your other foot.
  3. Rock back and forth to stretch out the ankle.
  4. Repeat 10 reps then switch sides.

half-dozen. Forward Lunge Hold With Band

This is a great talocrural joint mobilization technique to practise with a resistance band before your conditioning so that you can reap the benefits of it while y'all train. Scout the video below where Dr. Risher takes you through the movement.

ankle strengthening exercise band

  1. Attach the resistance band effectually an anchor and pull it tight.
  2. Face away from the ballast point, and wrap the band around the front of your ankle.
  3. Get into a lunge position and make certain the band is taut.
  4. From hither, lunge forward slowly while keeping your heel on the ground.
  5. Hold for a second or two and come back. That's one rep.

Notation: If you don't experience that there is enough stretch, only pop your foot forward a little more.

After you do 1 or 2 rounds of x-15 lunges on both ankles, practise the side by side ankle mobilization practise.

7. Ankle Mobilization Lunge Stone With Band

This is some other awesome ankle mobility exercise with bands that can use the forcefulness and tension to work on improving the dorsiflexion of the ankle. Cheque out the video beneath for a step by step demonstration.

ankle stretching exercise with band

  1. Attach the resistance band around an anchor and pull information technology tight.
  2. Wrap the band effectually the back of your talocrural joint, as you face the anchor point.
  3. Get into a lunge position and make sure the band is taut.
  4. Lunge forward slowly while keeping your heel on the ground.
  5. Agree for 2 seconds and and so slowly lunge backwards - for this one, instead of stopping at midway signal, continue moving back to stretch in the opposite way. So, y'all will exist lunging frontward and backward on this one.
  6. Practice one or ii rounds of x-15 lunges on both ankles.

Key Beefcake & Movement Points For Ankle Mobility Exercises:

  • Tibia (shin) attaches right into your ankle mortise articulation.
  • The ankle mortise joint has a horizontal joint plane parallel to the ground.

So, with the band fix, it will be pulling in the direction of the ankle mortise joint; pulling through the joint plane.

As we endeavor to go more dorsiflexion (moving foot towards shin), we will use the band to pull into the talocrural joint mortise joint from the front and back.

Basically, what we are trying to become the joint to glide a little fleck more than in either management. So, as the band pulls at your talocrural joint, it applies force through the joint line, thus giving you a footling more than dorsiflexion in your talocrural joint.

This volition aid yous in your squat, deadlifts, olympic lifts, pistol squats, vertical jump and more.

All in all, talocrural joint dorsiflexion is crucial for all types of exercises, and it will improve your performance and reduce your run a risk of injury.

ankle mobility exercises at home

When to practise these 2 resistance band ankle mobility exercises?

These two talocrural joint band exercises are great to do before a conditioning, as a warm up.

In that location accept been studies that show ankle mobilization and talocrural joint adjustments assistance increment lower body forcefulness in athletes. This is why these ii exercises are mutual exercise for professional athletes.

Note: These 2 ankle mobility resistance band exercises can also be done after a workout or someday during the twenty-four hours.

How many reps and sets of ankle mobility exercises should I practise?

Do each exercise for 10-fifteen reps for 1 or two rounds, on both sides.

That is the perfect amount to give your ankle the mobilization it needs without overdoing it, as if you practise too much your ankle will be too lax and your ankle will have a range of move that it's not utilise to. The recommended amount above will have your ankle gliding more smoothly, giving your the right amount of range of motion to complete the exercises at top performance.

ankle strengthening exercises with band

What size band for Ankle Mobility & Strengthening Exercises?

Every bit seen in the video by Dr. Michael Risher, our bluish band is nifty for talocrural joint mobilization. It is also an effective size for hip mobility. Buy SET FOR SET resistance bands to assistance you in improving your joint mobility and overall health.


Here are a few other exercises and stretches to improve talocrural joint mobility. Stretching your calves can help with your ankles range of motion. Piece of work on eccentric dogie raises. Inquiry has shown that eccentrics tin help alter the structural make up of muscles, which improves flexibility.Eccentric movements is when the active muscle is lengthening under a load. To practice this, lower downwards slowly during the dogie raise.

Squatting with poor ankle mobility

Barbell Back Squats require adequate dorsiflexion to be done correctly. It helps for proper tracking of the lumbar spine, hips, and knees.

So, until you create normalcy in your talocrural joint mobility, yous'll want to do other squat variations, every bit you lot don't desire to NOT squat just because you have bad ankle mobility.

Plus, these variations volition assist improve your ankle dorsiflexion too.

Here are two squat variations that are skilful for someone with less than adequate talocrural joint mobility:

  • Goblet Squats
  • Box Squats

squats for people with poor ankle mobility


Ankle stretching and mobilization is an important part of exercising and information technology is non to be overlooked.

It is cardinal to enhancing your performance in sports, running, lifting, and overall daily life. It helps with residue, stability, strength and explosiveness.

So, be sure to add these 7 ankle mobility exercises to your routine.

Note: If you are recovering from an injury, it is always smart to bank check with your doc before doing whatever new exercise.

Let the states know your favorite ankle mobility exercise in the comments below.

ankle strengthening resistance band exercises

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